Sunday, September 7, 2008

Spore: Metacritic say yes, others say no

While I have not personally played Spore yet, I have been reading up on the game for some time now. The game was announced a few years ago at the 2005 E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) 1, and has been delayed a few times. After the few delays, spore was finally released today 09/07/08. Spore had high expectations, because of the company creating it, Maxis. Maxis is known for it's highly successful series The Sims, and The Sims 2.
The Spore Creature Creator was released a few weeks ago and was received highly. But, with such high expectations the game can be a disappointment easily. Overall at metacritic, a site where the average of critic reviews of media products are shown, has high scores for the game. Although the score is not as great as expected.
Over at IGN Spore receives an 8.8 out of 10. IGN says however that Spore does not have much depth and is more tuned toward "Rookie" gamers.
At Gamespot Spore receives an 8.0 out of 10. Gamespot, like IGN, says how the game is not as deep as expected. Also Gamespot spots that the individual gameplay elements are extremely simple and early stages are not very engaging.
I can look beyond these flaws because Spore offers so much more with the creative elements. Spore offers brillant customization design at many stages in the game. Spore allows creation of your creature, your transportation, and more. I plan to pick up the game this week. Spore costs $50, plays on the PC and the Mac, and is rated E+10 for Comic Mischief and
Mild Cartoon Violence. 2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard it's alright not worth $50